Today I wanted to share with y'all something I consider a recent small victory. I consider saving money on anything a small victory, by the way lol. I've been on the look out for a used (of course) short dresser that could double as a changing table for Patton's nursery. I know old dressers are a popular item to buy cheap and redo and sell.. so that is probably why I could never get my hands on one. Well I finally found one after months of searching. It was listed on an online yard sale sight for people in my area. $45, decent condition, & the location was literally right down the road from my house!! So I of course told the seller SOLD and met up with them the next day to exchange my cash for this soon to be beauty! Check it out!

I've never used chalk paint, but I love the matte finish of it.. just not the price. I've seen 8oz jars for over $25, which I am just not willing to pay! I visited the local hobby lobby to find a mossy green color, but they only had two shades of green ($8.99/ bottle). One shade was far too bright and spunky and the other was very dark.. too dark for my nursery. Well the next day we went to go pick up Patton's crib and I found out something really cool.. Walmart actually carries chalk paint. The most beautiful colors of chalk paint I have ever seen, might I add!! So I snatched me up a bottle of moss green. I read its reviews on my way home; there were only 3 that I could find. The first review I read suggested that no one buy this paint. Supposedly it leaves brush strokes, is too thick, and has terrible coverage- all of which I found to be not true! This paint, at $5 & some cents, was perfect. Very smooth, no prep work, no bad brush strokes, oh and the small little 80z bottle covered my whole dresser.. and I still have some left over! (I did about 2/3 coats) Be on the look out for this stuff, people!!

I took off the hardware, and took out each drawer to paint, painted the dresser base, reassembled it, and was done in no time! For a total of $52 dollars, this was my finished product. My sisters dresser/changing table in her son's nursery was over $200.
Wow, I really love it!! It kind of looks blue to me in the pictures, but I promise it is mean, green, and perfect!! I will need to buy a new set of knobs because there are obviously some missing, but besides that, it is good to go! Now to get a start on the rest of the nursery! Ahh I am getting SO excited, y'all!!