I don't know about you, but I am a complete sucker for anything lovey-dovey. I mean I just REALLY love mushy old love stories. Anything sweet/romantic just takes my heart and melts it into a big ole warm puddle of love. Like Nicholas Sparks is seriously the coolest.. The Notebook, Safe Haven, The Last Song, True Believer, The Longest Ride, HE IS A MASTERMIND. He is an expert at snatching up hopeless romantics just like me and getting us addicted! & here I am with a husband who only lets me watch cowboy and war movies.. Caaahmonnn Jud, Don't you understand that I am female here? Unless you, yourself, write me 365 letters, take me out on a canoe with so many swans present that i can barley see the water, wait for me for over a decade while simultaneously building me the house of my dreams you promised me years before on that late summer night.. you are GOING to let me watch this movie.. especially after I just sat through two hours of blood, guts, tears, and peeing in my pants. Anyway, let's get to the point. So I mentioned to you that I am a hopeless romantic. Well, there is this guy. & he is soooo in love with me. He thinks about me all day, every day. I take him for granted and I fail him every day.. he never makes me feel bad about myself, once I realize my mistakes and talk to him about them, he forgives me. He is SO forgiving. That's not it either.. This guy thinks I am so beautiful, to him I am perfect even with every flaw. He owns everything, I mean that literally. He owns everything that I imagine is 10 billion times more beautiful than I. The stars, the seas, pastures, waterfalls, mountains, sunsets… but he wants me?! & guess what? He wants you too. How passionate is that? He is always faithful. His love is unfailing and unlimited. He puts THE Nicholas Sparks out of business, folks. His name is Jesus Christ. Chose him. Be with him. Let him love you and you love him back. He is your 24 hour 7 days a week BFF that will never let you down.
"He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession."
Super post, sweet girl. I love how you think and write. You should have mentioned you made the wall hanging and described how you made it from a thrift store find - you could describe how you made it too. I know how you did it since I was there. Lovely words about Jesus - true words, strong words, beautiful words. Hugz